She Feeds The Birds
- Posted on
- By Bobbi Wright
- Posted in Brighton, Brighton ON, carving, Chickadee, Daniel Decouvreur, memorial, Northumberland ON, she feeds the birds, statue, wood carving
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A beautiful chain saw carving memorial for a beautiful lady.
Connie Crowe (1947-2021), the original founder of The Birdhouse, is now remembered at 82 Main St in a very special, Brighton kind of way. A huge fantastic chain saw carving by Daniel Decouvreur, a local Brighton Artist now stands, to share her spirit and passion of feeding the birds.
When our last silver maple threw large branches at our cars in the fall, we knew it had to come down.
What better opportunity to do something with it in light of Daniels artistic expertise growing in the community. And frankly Daniel has outdone himself! The carving is incredible and must be seen to fully appreciate.
We ran a fundraiser in Connie's name for the Friends of Presqu'ile and raised $1010 total for them!
Her legacy of loving and feeding the birds continues here at The Birdhouse Nature Store and is embodied in "She Feeds The Birds". My hope is to make this a yearly fundraising event in July.
She left big shoes to fill and we do our best every day to make her proud.
Please feel free to come by and check it out! The detail is quite amazing considering Daniel's only tools are chainsaws and blow torches.
Thanks Rick!
What a fine tribute to Connie, well done Bobbi & Daniel are made of the Right Stuff!
Thanks Bob! She was a special lady.
Great tribute toCconnie.Well done Bobbie.